George J. Borjas, Kirk B. Doran, Ying Shen. 2015. “Ethnic Complementarities after the Opening of China : How Chinese Graduate Students Affected the Productivity of Their Advisors.” NBER Working Paper 21096.(这是香樟推送的第131篇论文)
作为第一生产力的科学技术是一种社会性和互惠性的人类活动(Lucas,2009),它的进步依赖于知识的对外溢出,而学生被视为这种溢出最主要的承接体。国际学生留学发达国家攻读博士学位是世界上科技人才最大规模的流动,也是促进知识溢出最直接的手段。尽管已经有研究证实了这种溢出的存在,但更多的发现却是不确定的。为此,劳动经济学领域高产的研究者 George J. Borjas和他的合作者再次对此命题进行论证。他们使用1978年中国的改革开放作为一个自然实验,来考察大量涌入的中国留学生对美国导师科研产出的影响,以及对非华裔和华裔数学系导师影响的差异,从而论证族群的互补性。
“族群磁铁”(Ethnic Magnet)理论认为:当科学家与自己相同种族背景的人合作时,知识的溢出更加明显。正如Freeman和Huang(2014)的研究,相似种族的科学家更有可能合著科技论文。作者基于这个理论,假设大量涌入美国数学专业的中国留学会带来三个后果:一是,相比较于“American”导师,“Chinese-American”导师会指导更多来自于中国的留学生。二是,与之前指导学生的情况相比, “Chinese-American”导师与中国留学生合著论文的数量会大大增加。或者说与“American”导师指导中国留学生相比,“Chinese-American”导师与中国留学生合著论文的频率要高出很多。三是,“Chinese-American”导师与中国留学生之间的种族内部合作会对其他导师产生差异性影响。
三是,通过对比“Chinese-American”导师的科研获得和“American”导师的科研损失,可以发现中国留学生大量涌入,这一外部冲击,对美国整体数学研究的影响并不大。也就是,随着中国留学生的到来,“Chinese-American”导师对 “American” 导师有挤出效应。
The largest and most important flow of scientific talent in the world is the migration of international students to the doctoral programs offered by universities in industrialized countries. This paper uses the opening of China in 1978 to estimate the causal effect of this flow on the productivity of their professors in mathematics departments across the United States. Our identification strategy relies on both the suddenness of the opening of China and on a key feature of scientific production :intra-ethnic collaboration. The new Chinese students were more likely to be mentored by American professors with Chinese heritage. The increased access that the Chinese-American advisors had to a new pool of considerable talent led to a substantial increase in their productivity. Despite these sizable intra-ethnic knowledge spillovers, the relatively fixed size of doctoral mathematics programs (and the resulting crowdout of American students) implied that comparable non-Chinese advisors experienced a decline in the number of students they mentored and a concurrent decline in their research productivity. In fact, the productivity gains accruing to Chinese-American advisors were almost exactly offset by the losses suffered by the non-Chinese advisors. Finally, it is unlikely that the gains from the supply shock will be more evident in the next generation, as the Chinese students begin to contribute to mathematical knowledge. The rate of publication and the quality of the output of the Chinese students is comparable to that of the American students in their cohort.