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文献来源:Douglas Almond, and Xinming Du. "Later bedtimes predict President Trump’s performance." Economics Letters 197 (2020): 109590.
01 研究背景
02 研究方法
本文的睡眠数据来自于twitter,作者使用了特朗普官方账号于2009年至2020年4月10日之间共发出的36,148条推特。同时还包括了发送的日期时间,推特的内容,以及点赞、评论和转发的数量。作者将夜间11点-2点发出的twitter作为“熬夜推特”,因为CDC(the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,美国疾控中心)的指南显示11点入睡是获取必要睡眠时间的基本保障。
为了研究特朗普的工作效率,作者还从Factbase和The Fact Checker获取了自2017年1月24日就任总统一职以来所有的发言稿。最后,作者从BetData获取了博彩公司估计出的从2016年11月以来特朗普以及对他威胁最大的竞争对手的竞选成功几率。
03 研究结果
接着,作者又利用文本分析法分析了特朗普在讲话稿中所表现出的情绪特征。结果如下图所示。在熬夜后的第二天,特朗普在讲话中的高兴情绪占比明显下降(Panel A,-4.4%),生气的情绪占比明显上升(Panel A,2.9%)。这表明,在熬夜后的第二天,他的心情会更加“不开心”,在讲话和采访中发脾气的次数也增加至原先的三倍。
Technology and social media use are increasingly associated with delays in nightly sleep. Here, we consider the timing of President Trump’s official Twitter account posts as a proxy for sleep duration and how it relates to his public performance. The President wakes around 6am, a routine which has not changed since early 2017. In contrast, the frequency of Twitter activity 11pm–2am increased 317% from under one day per week in 2017 to three days a week in 2020. The President’s increased late-night activity is not accounted for by increases in the frequency of his use of social media over time, his travel schedule, or seasonality. On the day following one where he posts late at night, his Twitter followers interact less with his posts, described as “official statements by the President of the United States”.1 He receives 7400 fewer likes per tweet, 1300 fewer retweets per tweet, and 1400 fewer replies per tweet after a late night (drops of 6.5%–8%).
Tweets aside, the President’s speeches and interview transcripts have previously been coded for their dominant emotion through text analysis. On the day following a late night, the President’s inferred emotion is less likely to be “happy” and nearly three times more likely to be “angry” in his interviews and speeches. Finally, the 2020 election odds of the President’s chief opponent also increase after a late night, while the President’s are unchanged. The pattern we document is consistent with a progressive shortening of the President’s sleep over his first term and compromised performance from sleep deprivation.