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厦门大学经济学院/王亚南经济研究院倪骁然助理教授报告了《A Tale of Two “Skewness”: Professional Epidemic Experience, ProbabilityWeighting, and Stock Price Crash Risk》。Under probability weighting, entrepreneurs’skewness preference, thetendency to seek right-skewed and avoid left-skewed risks, can affect thenegative skewness of stock prices. Based on the evidence after the outbreak ofSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS), which is caused by the same family ofviruses as COVID-19, we show that firms managed by CEOs who previouslyexperienced the outbreak of SARS during their tenure of high executives havelower stock price crash risk measured by negative skewness. Among those firms,this effect especially matters for CEOs that actually experienced prominentoperating distress or stock price crashes during the outbreak of SARS. In addition,firms managed by CEOs with professional epidemic experience tend to disclose badnews in a timelier manner, and have lower discretionary accruals. Our overallevidence indicates that entrepreneurs with imprinted professional epidemic experiencemay overweight the probability of extreme tail events. As a result, theyintentionally avoid stock price crashes through preventing the formation andaccumulation of bad news.

上海财经大学财经研究所李兴博士报告了《Can Political Uncertainty Improve EnvironmentalTotal Factor Productivity? Evidence from China》。This paper provides the first study exploring the role of politicaluncertainty on Chinese Environmental Total Factor Productivity (ETFP) by using285 prefecture-level cities from 2003 to 2016. We utilize the latest overallMalmquist index calculation method proposed by Afsharian and Ahn (2014) andfind that China’s ETFP shows a rising volatility after a more accuratecalculation. The estimated results show that political uncertainty caused byofficial turnover can significantly improve ETFP, which is robust throughoutseveral methods including instrumental variable. Specifically, politicaluncertainty can increase ETFP by about 0.45%. In addition, we findtechnological progress is a potential mechanism, where official turnover canincrease the number of patents and the proportion of government spending onscience and technology.







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香樟经济学术圈由中国社科院、哈佛大学、多伦多大学等国内外青年经济学者发起。此平台主要推送国外经济学领域经典前沿论文,发布国内外经济学相关资讯,以及香樟经济学者圈的相关活动公告。 期待能够对中国经济学研究和国家政策产生一定影响。微信订阅号:camphor2014。
