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提交研讨的工作论文有可汇报的初步结果即可,中英文均可,无需完整稿。欢迎大家踊跃投稿并积极参会,请将报告论文题目与摘要(鼓励发送全文)发送到邮箱:HL_CCNUecon@163.com(中文稿件);seminar_ccnu@163.com(英文稿件)。如有可能请发送报告PPT。邮件标题请注明“投稿-武汉香樟经济学-所属主题”, 投稿电子文件名称格式为:所属主题-作者。






联系人:李好 HL_CCNUecon@163.com(中文稿件)





Call for papers: The 15th CEC Online Seminar (Wuhan)

Wuhan Camphor Economic Circle (CEC) Seminar is a professional academic seminar organized in the region of Wuhan and it is sponsored by the journal Review of Industrial Economics which belongs to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China. This seminar is expected to focus on the newly completed working papers and to promote the academic cooperation among scholars in economics. The previous activities of Wuhan CEC Seminar were all successfully organized in the following institutions respectively, e.g. Zhongnan University of Finance and Law, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Central China Normal University and Huazhong Agricultural University.

To promote the prosperity of academic activities, during the period of economic recovery after the effective control of CoVID-19 in China, the 15th Wuhan CEC Seminar will be undertaken by the School of Economics and Business Administration in Central China Normal University. Our conveners, Professor Liu Yang of Central China Normal University and Professor Junwei Shi of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, welcome the economists in Wuhan and all other regions to submit their research related but not limited to the following topics: Financial innovation, Regional Economics and New development of China ‘Dual-Cycle’, Environmental protection and the High-quality development of industries.

Submission guidelines:

Authors are encouraged to submit the full version of their papers. The working papers with only initial results are also welcomed. The seminar accepts the papers written in either English or Chinese. Please send the title of the paper, abstract and full paper (encouraged) to the email address: HL_CCNUecon@163.com (Paper written in Chinese); seminar_ccnu@163.com (Paper written in English). Please also send the presentation slides (if possible). Please title the email as ‘submission – Wuhan Xiangzhang Economics - related topic’ and set the name of submitted electronic document as ‘related topic – Author Name’.

Our conveners and the organizing committee will select around 4 to 8 working papers, according to the actual quantity of submissions. Each paper can be allocated with 50 minutes approximately, including presentation and discussion. Authors will be notified of the decision no later than 20/10/2020.


Submission deadline: 15/10/2020

Conference location: online seminar (Tencent Meeting)

Conference date: later October 2020 (the specific date and the details of the online meeting will be provided around 20/10/2020)



Hao Li,    HL_CCNUecon@163.com (papers written in Chinese)

Zhixiao Wang,   seminar_ccnu@163.com (papers written in English)








1741篇文章 12小时前更新

香樟经济学术圈由中国社科院、哈佛大学、多伦多大学等国内外青年经济学者发起。此平台主要推送国外经济学领域经典前沿论文,发布国内外经济学相关资讯,以及香樟经济学者圈的相关活动公告。 期待能够对中国经济学研究和国家政策产生一定影响。微信订阅号:camphor2014。
